Lookbz is a mobile phone application based in Android platform.
Purpose of this application is to help all kind of service providers or professionals irrespective of individuals or organizations to easily connect to the people who are searching for their services. In other words, the people who are searching for any kind of services can reach to a service provider within no time. It works as an electronic business directory. It searches through the big database of service providers and recommend the nearest service providers available around the searching person. So, the two basic categories of users of this Application are the Service Providers and Service Receivers.
Service Provider: A Service provider is an individual or organization who provides any kind of service to the public. Service providers will have their own clear definition of their services provided by them which can be denoted by service names such as – Doctor, Advocate, Driver, Cook etc. A service provider can specify any service according to him and there is no restriction for the services that can be provided.
Service Receiver: A Service receiver is an individual or organization who receives services from others. He/she can search for any services in the application and approach them through message or phone call.
This application also supports the organizations, who recruit employees, to find out suitable candidates.
The Application has the following features:
1. Service Search
2. Employment Search
3. Messaging service
4. Phone call
5. Map Location view
6. Detailed profile update of the service
7. History of search
8. My Contacts
9. Service quality rating
Search is the most important function of this Application. This function allows the Service receivers to search for a service provider according to their requirement. The Application returns the search result based on the location of the service provider. The service provider, whoever nearer to the service receiver will be listed first in the search result. It also considers the review rate of the service provider while listing. This method will allow the service receiver to get the best nearest service provider.
The service receive can choose the provider from the big list of search result. By tapping on any of the search results, the service providers’ information will be popped up with different contact options and details.
The search has two functions. One is “Service search” as explained above and the second one is “Job Search”. Job search is for the organizations who are recruiting employees. They can easily find out the job seekers according to the criteria from the nearby locations or any other desired locations.
The search results are generated based on the location of the service receiver. By default the Application searches based on the registered location of the service receiver. Registered location means, the map location that the application automatically detected based on the Pin/Zip Code and the country of the service receiver. In case, the service receiver wants to search based on his present location, while he is in travel to some other place, it is possible to switch the search location to the “Current Location” of the service receiver. In this case, the searching will happen based on the current location of the service receiver where ever he is.
This feature is mainly for the service providers for updating their full personal and professional details which could be viewed by the service receivers while they search for services. However, the service receivers also can update the profile.
Personal Info: Service provider can register their personal information here.
Service Info: The service that is provided by a service provider can be specified here. Each service has to be tagged to respective service category for better search function.
Qualifications: The educational qualification and the experience of the service provider can be specified here. The Job seekers also can provide their Qualification and Experience here.
Profile Photo: All the users of Lookbz can update their profile photo here. This will help the people to communicate with more personal feeling and understanding.
Map Pointer: This function will allow the Lookbz user to point their registered location in the Map. This will allow the service receiver to see the location of service provider and also vice versa. Lookbz will mark a location it’s own by default using the Pin/Zip code and country provided by the user during initial registration. The user can change this location and make it precise to home or business place.
Profile Theme: This is the colour theme that the user can choose to present him in the search results. Lookbz has provided some default colour themes for this purpose.
This is another important feature for the Lookbz users to communicate each other and finalize their business deal. All message communications are presented here as separate thread and the user can choose any one to continue messaging. The message has notification function so that no messages will be missed out by the users to read. This feature works like any other Mobile Messengers.
This is the History of searches. The service receiver can see all the history of searches made previously. User can reuse this history to search again for service providers without going for another search.
My Contacts
It is possible to tag a service provider as “My Contact” to whom a user wants to contact and get services repeatedly. This is to avoid the searches again and again to find out a desired service provider. The service receiver can tag favorite service providers here.
My Reviews
To make the quality of services transparent to the all the users of Lookbz, Lookbz has introduced a service review mechanism. The service provider can request for review to the receiver. According to the satisfaction, the service receiver can award stars to service provider out of 5 stars. The service providers star ranking will be displayed in search and the other service receivers can choose the services providers accordingly.